2016 Paris Agreement Summary

The Paris Agreement, adopted in December 2015 and signed by 195 countries, is a milestone in the global effort to combat climate change. The agreement aims to keep global warming below 2°C and pursue efforts to limit it even further to 1.5°C. The Paris Agreement also aims to achieve net zero emissions in the second half of the century and to strengthen the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of climate change.

The key elements of the Paris Agreement include:

1. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs): Each country is required to submit a plan outlining its efforts to reduce emissions and enhance its resilience to climate change. These plans are known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

2. Transparency and Accountability: The Paris Agreement includes a robust transparency and accountability framework that requires countries to report their progress in implementing their NDCs.

3. Technology Transfer and Finance: The Paris Agreement recognizes the important role of technology transfer and finance in achieving its goals. Developed countries are required to provide financial assistance and technology transfer to developing countries.

4. Adaptation: The Paris Agreement recognizes the need for countries to adapt to the impacts of climate change, particularly in vulnerable countries.

5. Loss and Damage: The agreement also recognizes the need to address loss and damage caused by climate change in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable.

Since its adoption, the Paris Agreement has been ratified by 189 countries. The United States, under the Obama administration, played a leading role in negotiating the agreement. However, in 2017, President Trump announced his intention to withdraw from the agreement, making the U.S. the only country to do so. Nevertheless, many U.S. states, cities, and businesses have committed to upholding the goals of the Paris Agreement.

As we approach 2021, the Paris Agreement remains an important framework for global climate action. The upcoming COP26 summit in Glasgow, UK presents an opportunity for countries to strengthen their commitments to the Paris Agreement and accelerate efforts to reduce emissions and combat climate change.